Astrid Warding
MNCPS (Acc.)
Psychosexual Therapist
Sex Addiction Treatment Specialist
Integrative Psychotherapist
Clinical Supervisor
What is Supervision
Supervision is a formal arrangement for therapists to discuss their work regularly with someone who is experienced in both therapy and supervision. The task is to work together to ensure and develop the efficacy of the therapist/client relationship ~ Sage
Why is it important
Supervision is provided to ensure standards, enhance quality, advance learning, stimulate creativity, and support the sustainability and resilience of the work. Supervision offers you a reflective space in which to develop practice and so benefits client safety ~ BACP
My training
I have worked as a clinical supervisor since 2015.
My qualification was awarded by CPCAB and is a Level 6 Diploma in Clinical Supervision. This covered the 7 eyed model of clinical supervision
I specialise in psychosexual supervision and sex addiction treatment supervision
As a qualified educator and having lecturered in person centred counselling levels 2, 3 and 4 I also work well; and very much enjoy, supervising person centred or intergrative therapists and student counsellors